at wholesale price中文什么意思

发音:   用"at wholesale price"造句
  • wholesale:    adj. 1.批发的,趸卖的。 2. ...
  • price:    n. 1.价格,价钱;市价;代价;费 ...
  • wholesale price:    目的港; 批发价 来源:阿里巴 ...
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  1. We sell direct to the public at wholesale prices
  2. Fortunately , a sister was able to obtain 250 sweatshirts at wholesale prices , which saved local initiates much expense
  3. Many overseas visitors may not be familiar with this street , but it is full of beautiful dresses for sale at wholesale prices
  4. Adelaide cellar door represents over 25 wineries in australia and sells top quality wines at wholesale prices
  5. The company has more than thirty branch offices all over sri lanka , and general manager g . d . ratnapala offered his staff s full support in the relief operation . the initiates and the finance company staff then held meetings to discuss ways of efficiently providing aid to the victims , and workers were mobilized to determine the extent of damage in various communities . the finance company staff members also helped in purchasing medical supplies , potable water and other relief provisions at wholesale prices , leaving the initiates truly amazed at master s incredible power
    该公司拥有30多处分支机构,遍布斯里兰卡,总经理瑞特纳帕拉先生g . d . ratnapala非常支持同修的救援行动,他们不仅开会讨论如何帮助自己的同胞,并发动各地员工打探灾情,帮忙寻找饮用水制药及医疗厂商,因此能以批发价格进货,让同修惊讶于师父不可思议的力量。


  1. at weaning time 什么意思
  2. at weekends 什么意思
  3. at weld edge 什么意思
  4. at wharf 什么意思
  5. at whiles 什么意思
  6. at wide intervals 什么意思
  7. at will 什么意思
  8. at work 什么意思
  9. at work = working 什么意思
  10. at work architecture microsoft auditing 什么意思


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